A credit score is a number that represents a person's credit. Creditors and lenders look at the concept of these numbers with them prior to use and the applicant's transaction. In general, a high credit score are favorable loans or financing, in the form of low interest rates, usually in Ghana. Low value may make conditions difficult for candidates.
The most popular FICO scoring model is today'sScoring model. FICO credit score can be calculated from the file found on the two credit bureaus. This is the Equifax and TransUnion. Scores range from 300-850 closer to 850, the more should be a loan.
There are many factors that affect this very important figure. In order to obtain good results, consumers should try to behave in a responsible credit management. A good credit score is to reflect goodCredit history. This does not always mean return in all their speeches. It can also refer to an agreement because of the amount paid, and in the specified time.
Some consumers use credit cards when it comes to many of the deficiencies. Consumers should avoid these situations in order to avoid increasing the negative scores.
• short-term and the outstanding balance - shows poor financial management responsibilities,
• High credit - a potential sign of financial• too much stress - Card added a lot of difficult issues, with any application, to extend the credit lines • Close the old maps - the history of credit losses, improve the asset / restriction (debt / loan) ratio
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