When it comes to your credit score obviously the higher the better. But what if your scores are a little low, then you have probably wondered how can I improve my credit score? You probably want it increased fast as well! Below are three tips that can help you and the best part is they can be done almost for free and they work fast!
Free Tricks To Improve Your Credit Score
Get Higher Account Limits- The easiest and fastest way to improve your credit score is to decrease the balance to account limit percentage on your accounts. This is done by phoning the creditor and asking them for a credit line increase. What this does is effectively reduces the percentage of your accounts limit that you have used. The end result should be a healthy credit score improvement in about 30 days. Unfortunately this trick may not work for everyone especially those with very bad fico scores.
Add Accounts To Your Credit Report- This is an old trick and even though the credit bureaus have caught on it still can give you a small score increase.
What it involves is being added as an authorized user on a consumer account that has a good payment history and a low balance when compared to the limit. This positive account will reflect on your credit report and bump your scores up a little.
There is a major drawback to this method and that is if the person whose account you are added to decides to start paying late or defaults on their account it will drag you down with them!
There are two ways to go about this method,one is the paid service and the other is using a friend or relatives accounts.
The paid services cost alot of money and you are putting your trust in a complete stranger. Your friend or relative however is someone that you know and more then likely trust and most times they will do it for free.
Do Self Credit Repair- Self credit repair is very easy and involves disputing old, negative and inaccurate information that is dragging your scores down. As long as you have a copy of your credit report you can dispute these accounts right online.
Once you dispute them the creditors have to prove the accounts are legitimately yours, if they cannot they have to be removed. This method takes about sixty days for the full cycle to complete but is a very powerful method to put to work for you.
So if you are wondering how can i improve my credit score give the above methods a chance and watch your credit score increase quickly.
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