Do you want to clear credit history? Are you about to make a major house or luxury car purchase but fear being turned down by creditors? Do you worry that thousands of dollars in interest hinge on 10, 5 and even 1 point in your credit score? Are you being harassed by non-stop collection agency calls? No matter what your case is, a clear credit history will lift a heavy load off you shoulders and will open many doors in front of you. There is no bad debt fairy dust that will solve your credit problems overnight. However, there are a lot of things you can do that will boost your credit in no time.
1 Your most powerful weapon-credit knowledge.
Credit consolidation agencies will charge you an arm and a leg for things you can do yourself if you had the CREDIT KNOWLEDGE. How is your FICO score calculated?What's the difference between installment credit and revolving credit? Which matters more to creditors? Is credit time sensitive? Why does paying off an old collection can actually hurt your credit score? How to make your credit history longer? How to delete collections, late payments, liens and judgments from your report? What is the perfect balance/limit ratio on your credit cards? How to piggyback someone else's credit?The more you know about the inner workings of the credit system, the better your chances to raise you score fast.
2 Learn to think outside the box.
According to the mainstream credit advisers fixing credit takes time, determination, financial effort, careful budget planning and patience. This formula has proven to increase credit score over time. However, most of us want that fantastic house, brand new car, personal or business loan NOW. Time is a luxury we can't afford. And this is where credit tricks and little known secrets come into play. Why try to rebuild your credit gradually when you can focus on the negative items in your report that have the biggest impact om your score? Why pay everything in full when you can negotiate settlement for a fraction of the debt? Why getting delinquent accounts "deleted" from your report is much more beneficial that simply paying them off? Learn more about the loopholes in the system and find the shortcuts to a better credit score
3 Leverage
You do have leverage with your creditors, collection agencies and credit bureaus. For example you can dispute items on your credit report and the credit bureaus are required by law to conduct investigation in a timely manner. You can negotiate "settlement" with collection agencies that are just a fraction of the amount you owe. You can also ask creditors to delete a one time late payment due to unusual circumstances. Keep in mind that you do have leverage and make the most of it.
There are many ways to clear credit history. Just like with everything else in life there is the hard way and the smart way to do it. Once you start thinking outside the box, fixing credit should be fairly easy.
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