The time has come to work on some credit clean up. First of all you need to find some ways that you can save money that you can put towards your debt to help when it comes to fixing the credit that is giving you so much grief.
You have to sit back take a deep hard breathe and a long hard look in the mirror and decide if you are willing to make the tough decisions or not.
Once you have decided you have to understand there is no turning back unless you want to look at yourself as a failure. Don't you think things are already bad enough without having to always return to the day you failed.
Are you a smoker? Well guess what its time to quit. in many places smokes are up around 10 bucks a pack. If you are a pack a day smoker that is $300 dollars a month you are absolutely throwing away. Not to mention all the future health care costs when the dumb habit catches up to you and all you have to look forward to is dyeing.
So you enjoy taking the wife out to supper. Well by the looks of things this has been happening way too often. The average nice meal costs about $100 dollars. I know you are saying that you only take her out once a week or so. guess what that's another $400 dollars a month towards your debt.
All you need to understand is that you can cook her a nice meal at home and end up with much better results.
Just in this small article I have showed you how you can save at least $700 dollars a month. if your wife is a smoker she needs to quit as well and now you are up to $1000 dollars a month savings. Can you imagine what $12000 can do towards paying down your debt.
This was so simple. There are a lot of other things that can be cut down on as well and I will get to that at a later date. At this point I really am trying not to send your body into shock but remember you looked in the mirror and made the commitment to work on credit clean up.
These things may seem tough now but once you start seeing the end results you will be looking for other ways to make things better as well.
When it comes to credit clean up it is all about the decisions you make.
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