If you are someone who has bad credit, it wont' inevitably stop you from obtaining approval, but it can cause it and other, large purchases to become much more difficult than it would be if you had good credit. Here are some ways to get approved despite your bad financial history.
Apply for credit cards at retail and discount chain stores. Many times, stores like these are more willing to give you a chance. If the store approves your application, make small purchases that you can pay off and make at least the minimum payment each month and make the payments on time or early if you can. (If you are able to pay more than the minimum payment or even the entire balance at once, you won't have as much in interest charges and it will improve your credit score.)
Apply for a line at your bank, savings institution or credit union. If they already know you as a reliable customer, they may be more willing to give credit.
You can try for a secured card if nothing else works. You will have to open and keep a savings account as security for the line of credit they give you. Part of the line they give you will be a percentage of the deposit you make to the card.
If you are responsible and are certain you can afford to pay a credit card balance at this time, you can ask a friend or family member to co-sign with you. Remember that the other person's financial history is considered in the application as well, so choose someone who has good credit. Having a co-signer with bad financial history will do you no good. If you can't pay back the balance you charge on the card, this co-signer will legally have to, and it will show up as a mark against their credit rating and it could also damage your relationship with them. Consider that before choosing this option.
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