Identity theft and credit fraud is the largest form of white collar crime going on today. An individual who gets your personal information can ruin a good part of your life when they steal your good name and destroy your credit. One of the best ways to limit the chance of someone getting your identity is to put a stop to unauthorized requests of your credit report. Many credit solicitation companies pull your credit report prior to sending you an offer. This will not only leave you open to identity theft, but too many requests on your report can lower your overall score. There are a few things you must do to stop this unwanted practice.
1. Review all your credit card agreements. In these agreements you will find that the credit card issuer states that they will sell your name and information to outside companies. You must call a specific number on the agreement to have your name and information withheld. If you do not have a copy of their agreement, visit their website it will be posted there.
2. Contact your bank and/or other financial institutions. They will also have a clause in their financial agreements stating they will sell your information. Again, you will need to contact the right department to have your name removed from their selling list.
3. Be careful whom you release your personal information to when signing up for clubs and newsletters. Most of these companies will sell your information to anyone because this generates a lot of income for their company.
4. Finally, contact your credit bureaus. You can contact your credit reporting agencies and follow their specific instructions on how to block your credit report from unauthorized usage. This should put a halt to unsolicited offers of credit.
Following these simple steps will help you ensure that your credit is protected, your identity safe and your credit score remains stable.
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