Before applying for a loan many borrowers get nervous and wonder if they will get approved for financing. Knowing your credit score can eliminate this stress but credit scores change daily so how can you estimate your credit score right now?
The most important factor in your credit profile is paying your bills on time, if you have no 30 day late payment on reporting on your credit accounts that would be the most ideal situation for a high credit score. Most times borrowers with credit scores over 700 almost never will show a 30 day late on credit accounts. Keep in mind that one 30 day late payment either on a credit card or home loan can drop your credit score 50-100 points. It will take 6-12 months for your score to return back to the level where it was at before the late payment. 60,90 and 120 late payments make the situation worse and will take longer to recover from.
Balance to credit limit ratio is another big deciding factor in your credit score. If you have many accounts maxed out at the limit then you can expect a drop in your credit score of up to 100 points. The ideal ratio is to have a balance at 45% of the credit limit. This is considered by many to be the ideal balance to limit ratio. If your credit accounts are maxed out then you can always ask the creditor for a credit line increase, this will drop the ratio down and bump up your credit score.
The number of credit inquiries will also have a negative affect on your credit score, to many inquiries and you score begins to drop. If you are shopping for a home or car only allow your credit report to be pulled 3 times. Excessive credit inquiries can have a drastic affect on your credit score so use common sense when shopping for things that require credit to be pulled.
If you have good payment history with low balance/limit ratios and have no had excessive credit inquiries you can be safe to estimate your credit score at 680-700, you can subtract 50 points for every 30 day late and another 50 points for every credit card that is maxed out. Although there are other factors the three listed above will make up the biggest portion of your credit score and it is safe to estimate your credit score based of of them.
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