Your FICO score is the same as your credit score. It ranges from 300 -850, the higher the FICO score the better. This means that a higher FICO score makes your financial reputation appear less risky to banks, resulting in you higher chances of lower interest on your loans. This rating is most frequently used when clients apply to a bank for a mortgage. Having a higher credit rating will allow you to receive better interest rates and terms on your loan.
An average FICO score is from 700 to 720, if you are within the range then more banks would approve your loan. The computation of your score is based on your payment history, current amount of debt, length of financial history, number of consumer credit cards, and whether you have defaulted on any previous debts. As mentioned a previously, the range is from 300 to 850, and anything below 600 is considered to be a bad credit history and scores higher than 600 are usually viewed as a good credit line.
Because the Internet is a place of endless possibilities, you can now receive your FICO score through several different websites. This is excellent news to anyone who is curious about their own credit history, especially if you suspect you may need to to improve your financial reputation. All you need to do is make a request from an online credit bureau to receive your credit report. This will give you the chance to look over the contents, and check for any errors, fraudulent activity such as identity theft, and out of date information.
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