If you just recently received your credit score, and you want to know where you stand, I wanted to show you how you can rate yourself among most of the Americans out there. Every person out there obviously has a unique credit score, and if you're looking to rate yourself among the others, here's where you most likely stand with your credit range score.
800+ -- This is the best that you can get. You're going to get the top of the line loan, and banks won't have any problem lending out to you.
700-799 -- The 700 range is still fantastic. You're not going to be frowned upon, but then again, if you're striving to be the best, you still have to hit the 800s. Regardless, if your score is anywhere in the 700s, you have nothing to worry about.
675 - 699 -- When you start to reach the 600s, you're starting to get to the borderline when it comes down to interest rates, and other things. Sure, you will still get approved for a lot of credit related items, but you will have to most likely either pay fees, or look into a higher interest rate.
620 - 675 - This isn't the OK category anymore, it's the danger category. A lot of banks and lenders are going to be very hesitant on lending to you. In fact, you're going to find that it's going to be fairly hard to get a loan.
Anything below 620 is going to be hard for you. Hopefully this chart will give you a better idea on what everything is all about, when it comes to your score.
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